Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Eli Responds To Toomer

Eli Responds To Toomer

“I saw Toomer not too long ago at the ESPY awards and I went up to him and I said ‘Hey, I think Willie Ponder and Ike Hilliard were better receivers than you were for the Giants.’ Just kind of laughed and joked about it. I don’t get upset about those things. Amani’s been a good pal of mine. I don’t think he was trying to be mean to me in any way or try to hurt my feelings. That’s just the way things are now, with so many different talk radio shows and so many different things talking about football year-round, there’s only so much you can say. You can listen to every single one and get upset every time they say anything bad about me or the Giants, if that got to me and got me upset or concerned we’d have some serious problems.’’

Eli being Eli. The man cares about nothing but what matters most, winning. "Oh another ex teammate talking shit? I'll just laugh it off because I am a 2x Superbowl MVP and they are not." This is why I love Eli, people have been down on him his whole career and he just wins. Yeah he's thrown some INT's, but you can have all the stats in the world in the regular season (Romo), you still need to perform in the playoffs when it matters most. 

Keep fueling this raging fire haters, I'll gladly welcome another Superbowl win.

1 comment:

  1. That's because Eli is a gentlemen!! Always will be! GO BIG BLUE!
